Six a.m., my wristwatch alarm goes off, and I roll out of bed trying not to wake anyone up.
I push the button to start the coffee brewing and change into my clothes not-so-neatly arranged the night before by the front door. Ten minutes later, I'm driving to meet up with 2000 other folks from the community for what may be my favorite family get together of the day. Even though it's a race, I endure more stress and competition from a
Thanksgiving Meal than I do a Turkey Trot.
I am so
thankful for discovering running...aches and all. With a sore foot, this morning wasn't an all out sprint, or even as quick as my regular pace. It was about seeing the hundreds of people whom I've met along the trails. It was about getting a jump start on all the calories I'm about to consume. It was about flooding my body with enough happy endorphins to hold me through the entire day with the relatives on Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving