Friday, January 29, 2010

yep - still runnin'

one handed typing but i gotta check in to say, yes, this running mama is back!
body has long been healed from my 2nd boy's birth and i'm up to 6 miles...6 slow miles, but that far none-the-less. i can also whip out a 5k in 32 minutes, which is just 4 minutes longer than it was before i was pregnant (gasp!) but i think that has more to do with newly added hills and pushing a giant stroller.

anyhow - my boy is now 3 1/2 months old and i can see the light at the end of the tunnel. i guess it helps that he sleeps pretty well, or rather, well enough. and i can fit into my "fat" jeans, which feels good after being in the same maternity jeans for an eternity. unfortunately, i'm dropping these pounds at a safe and steady rate of 1 lb per week, rather than what i had fantasized: 40 lbs gone by the 1st month with remarkable toning & flexibility achieved by his 2 month appt.
oh least i can run.

pre-preg weight: 134 lbs
current weight: 147 lbs
goal? 125